
Coconut Moringa Matcha Latte

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They have different nutritional properties, but they work together like a champ. Meet your coconut moringa matcha latte!

Matcha and moringa look a little alike, but you’ll find matcha to be a more vibrant green (seen above in the jar on the left), whereas moringa is a little less bright and a little more yellow. While it isn’t from a tea leaf at all, the taste of moringa has a lot of the bitter qualities you find in a green tea. This is why they compliment one another so well. Unlike matcha, moringa isn’t necessarily great tasting when only mixed with water, though I have a feeling the Hulk would like it.

We know matcha is really packed with antioxidants. It so happens that moringa is, too! When you blend these two super-herbs together, you’re sure stop that oxidation process right in its tracks. I kid. Joking aside, the nutritional profile of moringa is other worldly. It’s not only antioxidants, but it also has all of the essential amino acids needed to make a complete protein along with numerous vitamins and minerals.

On with the recipe!

Photo by Suzanne Corum-Rich
Photo by Suzanne Corum-Rich

Coconut Moringa Matcha Latte

  • 6 oz. filtered hot water
  • 2-4 oz. almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut manna
  • ½ teaspoon moringa powder
  • 1 teaspoon matcha powder

You’ve got this. All you need to do is put everything in a blender and whhhhrrrrrrr. If you’d rather not dirty up the blender for this one, I recommend adding the coconut manna to your hot water first. Stir, whisk or blend in such a way that the manna fully melts. Then, stir in the powders with the same objective. Finally, add your almond milk and drink happily.

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