Burnout isn’t an official diagnosis, but it officially stinks. A lingering state of physical and mental exhaustion, rendering one unable to cope with even small stressors, is not a desired destination. Feeling “burned out” is common, however, and is typically the result of extensive commitments, such as in professional life or where one is responsible for the care of others. The term “burnout” was first coined by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in the 1970s after recognizing those in helping professions were becoming exhausted at the sacrifice of caring for others. While their dedication to others and their work came first, little time was left for self-care resulting in being drained of energy and withdrawing from work and other activities. This exhaustion was, and is, the shadow side of service.
Being over-committed is so easy to do, it’s criminal. If you love your work and find purpose in what you do, the energy you give often outweighs the time you spend recharging your battery. Everyone and everything becomes more important and the “oh, I can do that” leaves the lips too many times without warrant. Take a moment to inventory of how you spend your time and if the energy input is balancing the output. Do you feel extremely exhausted? Is it difficult to get out of bed? Is it tough to focus? Keep lookout as burnout may be creeping in.

Morning Ritual
Ultimately, scaling back is the only answer, but true to form, it will seem impossible to do when you need it the most. Other changes can be paramount, such as creating consistent routines, making dietary modifications and adding herbal therapies. Here are a few articles to give you motivation and additional support.
Energy Burnout is Affecting Your Hormones