Copper Cups
As Indian Jones educated us with the powers of the Holy Grail, Ayurveda reveals the healing abilities of copper. Though they aren’t quite the same powers, as copper can’t grant you immortality, there is a long list of benefits of using copper as a vessel for water or as the medium for items used in self-care. We aren’t talking only anecdotal evidence, but some good old fashioned peer reviewed research! And while there are several uses for copper, such as copper tongue cleaners or copper oil warmers used for body treatments, let’s today become enlightened on the practice of drinking from copper.
By doshic standards, many consider copper to be a tridoshic material. In any regard, using copper is not likely to imbalance a dosha, but might provide the most balancing affects for kapha. In my opinion I’d reserve copper as a healing metal for kapha. But when talking about using copper for its myriad of benefits as a drinking vessel, I believe it is a practice for everyone to adopt. In his book The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies, Vasant states that copper is good reducing kapha and continues on to states its uses as a liver and spleen tonic, an aid for healing anemia and a natural boost for the lymphatic system. But there’s more…
Copper can kill bacteria on contact! There are now many research studies that are looking into use of copper surfaces in public facilities, including hospitals, to reduce the transmission of diseases. It’s said that copper interacts with the oxygen molecules in a way that damages the bacteria and ultimately leads to cell death. One study even found use of copper surfaces to reduce infection rates by as much as 58%. This process is called the oligodynamic effect and isn’t reserved for copper, but explains how some metals can kill bacteria–a self-sterilizing method. Can you say, “more metal, less plastic!” The drawback is that copper is expensive, but let’s hope that in due time we see more use of copper to reduce spread of disease rather than chemicals.
Benefits of Copper as a Medium
- Natural antioxidant
- Ionizes and balances pH of water for better absorption and hydration
- Purifies blood
- Beneficial in reducing pain from arthritis
- Kills bacteria
- Aids digestion
- Regulates thyroid
- Helps metabolism of fat
- Accelerates healing of anemia
- Improves skin texture and clarity
- Increases vitality
How to use Copper Cups
This may seem obvious, but there are best practices for getting the trace amounts of copper into your water. By the way, that’s what we are aiming for—trace amounts. We aren’t likely to get more than that, but that’s also all we need. Are you ready? Here it is: Fill a copper cup with room temp water at night and drink the water in the morning. That’s it! Be sure your cup is lined with copper, not another metal. Never use hot water as copper is a strong conductor of heat! Another way is to get a copper water bottle. By filling your bottle and drinking it throughout the day, you’ll get the same benefits. Not to mention, copper water bottles will really up your style game.