The Ayurvedic tradition is versed in helping us know our patterns and tendencies, which means if we listen, we have a good chance at keeping illness and imbalance at bay. Sometimes this process means changing a habit, but other times it means we need a little help from herbal therapies. As herbs go, we’re meant to use them as our support system. This can mean we take them for long periods of time with some small breaks throughout, or it could be that we keep some around for the acute or short term aid when we feel like we are floundering. Until you know exactly what works for you, it might be a mystery as to what types of things you should keep on hand. I’m sharing my categorical list, in hopes that you can use this as a launchpad for building your own at home herbal medicine cabinet. While I don’t mean for this to be a retail plug, I know that herbs can be hard to find. Thus, let me say that you can get your hands on all of these things at Sage.
An adaptogen is an herb that supports us in times of stress. Most stress we can’t really avoid, so adaptogens help us to keep our head above water until our feet can touch. They help us sleep when we are restless or give us a boost when we are like a slug. While there are many herbs to fill this category, you have to be wise about knowing what specific systems they support and whether they will digest and produce heat or cold in your body. My two favorites are shatavari (supports female reproductive tissue, nervous system, is cooling in effect) and ashwagandha (supports nerves, muscles, male reproductive hormones, is warming in effect). I personally rely on ashwagandha in the fall and winter to keep me feeling alert and strong.
Immune Support
It doesn’t matter if you wash your hands to avoid germs or if you are one of the fearless that uses germ exposure to build your immunity, you can still get sick. We all know the feeling when things start to go downhill: body aches, sore throat, headache, change in appetite… you name it. Instead of trying to push through and ultimately spend a lot of time on the mend, why not rest and use something to help boost your immunity? Sounds favorable to me. My favorites for the times of feeling sick are turmeric and ginger. Having the root or powder on hand can be a lifesaver, but also having the ease of using Banyan Botanicals’ Immune Support or Urban Moonshine’s Immune Zoom can be even better.
Lymph Mover
Lymph is one of those topics that I never stop talking about. For the curious, the other topics are routine, fascia, crosswalks, Ryan Adams and my cat. Our lymph tissue seems to be one that doesn’t get much time in the spotlight, but is so crucial in keeping us symptom free. With all of the sitting that we do and even the types of clothing we wear (read: bras, tight waistband, tight socks, hats), we can really restrict our lymphatic flow. For me, it’s pretty essential that I tend to this on a regular basis with both culinary and medicinal herbs along with dry brushing and massage. My most favorite herb in the world for this is manjistha. It’s a beautiful red root that is also wonderful for skin. You could have it in powdered form and mix it with some rose and hibiscus for a gorgeous tonic, or simply keep Banyan Botanical’s Blood Cleanse on hand. Blood Cleanse is probably my favorite formula of all time. It may not be for everyone, but I’ve seen some pretty miraculous changes in people when adding this to their routine.
Skin Saver
This category typically ends up being something external/topical, which I’ll speak to. Know that it doesn’t have to be, but usually skin problems come up quick and need direct attention. Think bug bites, rashes, burns and acne. Yeah, all the good stuff. I’ll never be without lavender essential oil or neem hydrosol in my home because of this. Both have saved me situations ranging from sun sensitive issues to burns to shingles. Yes, shingles. I’m convinced I had the world’s most mild case of shingles due to my herbal stash and a formula I made using neem, lavender and brahmi. Not bragging about getting shingles in my early 30’s, but I will boast about the short life of them without taking a pharmaceutical.
Gut Tonic
Can we be real? You know I can’t talk health without talking digestion and elimination. Everyone has had a time where they really needed some kind of magic digestive potion. My suggestion is to keep something on hand for the breaking down of food and something for elimination. Fennel seeds are the one thing for me to keep for post-meal happiness and insurance that my food will assimilate without me getting bloated. Triphala is the tonic that I keep around for those times when I end up eating too late, too much, or the wrong thing. Triphala is tridoshic, helps you to eliminate and you can’t go wrong with keeping some tablets around the house to give your gut some tone. The next time you eat a late night burrito, you’ll be happy it’s in your at home apothecary.

Screenshot from Seinfeld’s episode “Conversion”